Grow Hope growing projects support our work through Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
Grow Hope donations pay for a farmer here in Canada to plant a field, care for the field, and harvest the crop. The proceeds from the crop go to Canadian Foodgrains Bank where they are matched
4:1 by the government of Canada. (for most food assistance projects).
The Grow Hope Markdale project is a partnership of the Markdale Church of the Nazarene, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Canada and Canadian Foodgrains Bank and is located at 794854 East Back
Line, just east of Markdale. The Goudy family farm the land. This year's crop is Wheat and Corn.
You can sponsor the cost for an acre*, part of an acre, or just choose to make a donation. Cost to sponsor one acre is $400, half acre is $200, 1/10th acre is $40. Any gift you choose to give is
gratefully accepted.
*An acre is about the size of a soccer field.
Expected return per acre is $500. When matched becomes as much as $2500.